Home » You’ll Never Guess Who At The Autopian Is The Anime Expert: Tales From The Slack

You’ll Never Guess Who At The Autopian Is The Anime Expert: Tales From The Slack

Slack Tales

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Max Headbolts
Max Headbolts
1 year ago

I share the sense memory of digging through Blockbuster Shelves for Anime, I was a manager at my local store for a couple years. We employees guarded the anime like children and did our best to keep it in rental rotation so we could get more, because yeah that shit was hard to get in mid-90s America!

Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
1 year ago

You lost my interest early you are all boobs.

1 year ago

I don’t really have a good place to post this, but I need to make sure the powers that be on this site are aware.

I’m losing patience waiting for the commenting features we’ve been promised. The site’s been live for a whole year. Matt told us it’s available and ready to turn on. That was a month ago.

Turn that shit on!

1 year ago

Right with you on searching the dark shelves at Blockbuster, Patrick. Except I was looking at foreign movies. Still trying to figure out the title of this Italian one where a guy who dubbed cartoons starts turning into one. Had a few good car stunts, too, including the first time I saw someone do a 180 & slide into a parallel parking place. The cabbie bringing his sex-therapist gf, iirc.

1 year ago

“Every cover is boobs”


Jack Trade
Jack Trade
1 year ago

I’m not an anime guy at all, but recently got into Cowboy Bebop.

It’s cool how it’s simultaneously a seminal piece of anime with a capital A Japanese culture while at the same time drawing from a huge amount of non-Japanese sources. It’s truly global.

Obviously, Blade Runner was a huge influence, but you can also perceive the touches of things like ’60s Bond-knockoff spy stuff, Gerry Anderson’s ’70s space shows, and ’50s American film noir.

1 year ago

I’m really enjoying these glimpses into headline making. As a non-journalist, the concept never crossed my mind. But seeing the back-and-forth on wording them *just right* really illustrates how difficult can be.

Content I never knew I wanted, but that is so new and entertaining. Great work, Autopian!

Mr. Asa
Mr. Asa
1 year ago

I was also into anime in the 90s and got out of it.
Then I went into a communications squadron in the USAF and it was guaranteed I’d get back into it, soooo…

Some of the current stuff is pretty f’ing solid. I love a good send up, no matter who is doing it, so One Punch Man is heavily favored right now.

1 year ago

“I’m fucking busy”

[mic drop]

Trenton Abernathy
Trenton Abernathy
1 year ago

The real question is: who in the slack has waifu stickers on their car?

Also that’s a decent point of contention. “Lad magazine” is probably an accurate descriptor, but the impact is lost because the content appears to be mostly *lewd*

Arrest-me Red
Arrest-me Red
1 year ago

Nice. If David was the one, then I would be really shocked.

Side note, check out Gunsmith Cats and Riding Bean for some the most accurate anime representations of a 67 Ford Fastback I have seen in Anime. Really paid close attention to the details.

Now I will go snicker at the name Boob Mag.

1 year ago

I’m trying to remember the name of the store that opened at the mall where I’d by my VHS anime… I could not afford all that I wanted, especially since I was just buying based on cover art. A thirty minute drive to the mall and $30 later, I could come home and see if I bought something cool or had chosen poorly. What a weird time to be a nerd.

Patrick George
Patrick George
1 year ago

Just wait until I start writing about Kamen Rider around here. He has a bike. It fits the vibes, right?

Soso Tsundere
Soso Tsundere
1 year ago
Reply to  Patrick George

Kamen Rider is about bikes and friendship, I think it fits well! Not sure how much kicking you all do, or if David will try to move his rust collection to a moon base next, but still.

1 year ago
Reply to  Patrick George


The masses also want a discussion of Tachikomas (Fuchikomas if we’re gonna be technical about it.)

Stef Schrader
Stef Schrader
1 year ago
Reply to  Patrick George

…is there a Tales From the Slack Law? Because I wanna see it.

1 year ago

We too love having Patrick around.

Patrick George
Patrick George
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave

D’awww! You’re too kind.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dave

came here to say this.

A. Barth
A. Barth
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave

Speak for yourself, dude!!

JK – I’m also happy to have PG here. 😀

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