You may recall in my now-New York Times-referenced Tesla Cybertruck review that I called the truck “cool,” but also flawed. And while I stand by it, there’s one thing about the truck that I don’t really love: It looks mean. And I understand that aggressive styling has become the norm in the auto industry, but the world is already aggro enough; I really would rather my Costco parking lot not be filled with that look like enormous war-bunkers-on-wheels. This is why I can’t stop looking at these Cybertruck wraps — they give levity to a truck that takes itself way, way too seriously.
We see wrapped cars all the time, and unless the color is really bizarre, most of us probably don’t even bat an eyelash. But there’s something about the Cybertruck — maybe it’s the fact that it comes from the factory looking gray and dull, maybe it’s those huge flat panels that accentuate the giant swaths of color, or maybe it’s the contrast between the fun colors and the truck’s rather serious design — that has me mesmerized.

For reasons unknown, I’m in a Cybertruck Wraps group on Facebook, and honestly, I just can’t stop looking at these things:
[Ed Note: David gave me the OK to riff on these wraps (in the captions), and we want to hear your takes in the comments! -Pete]

To be sure, there are lots of wraps that are really cranking up the aggro: matte black, army green, strange tank-like textured-wraps — the whole nine. And those are pretty…interesting, but we don’t kink shame around here, so I’m happy they like their truck. But for me, it’s the smurf-blue and the mango-orange that stand out and actually make the truck look fun. And I think that’s a key ingredient it sorely needs.
Now do the Delorean
Red Delorean looks good.
I saw one in teal the other day. “So much cooler” is gilding the lily a bit. I’d say it’s more, “slightly less shitty.”
I love DT doubling on the “Cybertruck is Cool” comment.
To heck with the haters!!
All the wraps make the “NPC vehicle in a PS1 era video game” aspect of the design far more pronounced.
I saw one wrapped or painted matte black. It looked like it was made out of poster board by 4th grader.
Or, perhaps, someone with the emotional maturity of a 4th grader.
You could wrap it with solid gold but it’s still a piece of shit underneath, as well as giving free publicity to a white supremacist manchild
I miss David articles. Not…this.
Primary colors are an improvement but what it really needs is to be about 2′ shorter in length than the Maverick with all other dimensions scaled down to match. That would in turn have forced the design to have a flatter roof section to still have a decent amount of interior space.
Very few design ideas aren’t improved by scaling-down, this is why the Chevy Blazer now looks like the rough draft of the new Chevy Trax.
Shit is still shit, even if you paint it a different color.
As a man with toddlers who occasionally eat too much artificial food coloring.. can definitely confirm.
Many years ago, someone brought in a black-frosted cake for a coworker’s 40th birthday… It gave many people an unexpected surprise. Did you know that black cake frosting is made with a really, really concentrated blue food coloring?
Seeing these in primary colors really reinforces the 8-bit graphics aesthetics of the CT. I guess that is a good thing if you’ve ever dreamed of living in a 1980’s video game.
Great thing is there are a huge selection of scale models available.
Less CyberKKK content please
Ew David, no
Until you driver through my neighborhood…..and see the Cybertruck wrapped in iridescent purple covered in kratom ads.
Gosh, half the ones I’ve seen in Austin have been promotional vehicles.
It’s as if the town where they’re made knows better somehow. LOL.
Hmmm, I’ve only seen factory steel and a black-wrapped versions on my side of town. Would love to see a burnt orange version with a straight-edged interpretation of Bevo on the frunk and/or tailgate. Maybe this Fall.
Maybe it’s more of a central Austin thing? I’ve seen a couple of promo wraps and like, a couple in use by a hotel.
I’d rather see the dumpster-car remain in the dumpster, LOL. The couple privately-owned ones I’ve encountered were driving like reckless ballsacks on neighborhood roads.
Guess I’ve been fortunate, the ones I’ve seen out and about have been relatively normal drivers. I’m old and mostly stick to the western outskirts of town and the hill country. The biggest a-hole drivers I see are either the thin blue line bestickered 3/4 ton trucks thinking they own the road or the Escalade/Range Rover driving soccer mom Karens trying to get little Briana to cheer practice on time.
Oh gosh, driving in Lakeway and such is like entering the thunderdome with those guys.
I’ve had some bad experiences with Lakeway PD. I avoid it like Trump avoids the truth.
My usual travel zone is Westlake, Bee Cave, and Dripping. But plenty of “I’m more important than you!” drivers in 3-ton vehicles in these areas.
Oof, yeah, there’s some peak Roads Are Specifically For My Car And My Car Only behavior out there.
You think UT will have something to celebrate?
I am cautiously optimistic. I always fear when the press starts singing their praises before the season even starts.
I’m on the record stating that the only good thing about the Cybertruck is how the stainless finish looks from a distance. Wrapping it eliminates that and, based on these pictures, really accentuates the horrid panel gaps.
I will say the color change wraps probably fit the character of the vehicle, but I’m still dubious those would change my mind even if I saw them in person.
All that extra money spent on a stainless body to avoid having to paint them when you know that everyone is going to wrap them anyway…. GENIUS.
Wrapping a turd is no better than attempting to polish one.
And it will never, despite anyone’s modifications, be cool.
How about a Charmin wrap?
This rolling deuce deserves no better than thinner-than-tissue, single-square TP like you find in the sketchiest gas station bathrooms, not the good stuff.
Was going to comment that I’m waiting for one with a chrome wrap. Nevermind: it’s been done. Ouch.
I guess what I really want to see is a Flower Power wrap: plants & peace signs & little kids’ handprints—just for trolling purposes
Wrapped in those nice bright colors
They give us the greens of summers
Makes you think all the world’s
a sunny day
The Cybertruck seems like a perfect candidate for those dazzle camo wraps
So. Would probably just get mine wrapped with Pink Floyd’s Darkside of the Moon album cover artwork. And play Brain Damage through the stereo at full blast.
Wait a minute, do that already.
Or wrap it white, with some tastefully placed Rolling Stones big red lips and tongue logos. For reasons.
Then again maybe just go with whatever is your preferred scene from The Terminator movies.
“Come with me if you want to live.”
Can you just wrap it in that ExPell stuff that DT wrapped his Jeep with?
I think that would be cool. /s
So does a Pig when you put lipstick on it. So I guess the Cybertruck has that going for it, which is nice.
Counterpoint: No they aren’t
I think they look better with color, but that’s a subterranean bar to clear, so it’s not like I’m heaping praise on these things.
Seen a black wrapped one around town. Still don’t care.
They all look photoshopped to hell and back, so still not cool