Home » The Autopian Is Rolling Out A New Commenting System (With Editing And Notifications) TOMORROW

The Autopian Is Rolling Out A New Commenting System (With Editing And Notifications) TOMORROW

The New Comments Are Here

After months of shoving floppy disks into his Apple Lisa, Jason has finally gotten to the last one, and our new commenting system (all 83.4 megabytes!) should deploy some time this evening — certainly by tomorrow! What does this mean for you? Many of the features you’ve asked for will be available. Here are the details.

[Editor’s Note: But first, let’s get into the details of those floppy disks I was shoving into that Lisa, because they’re fascinating. They’re fascinating because they weren’t like other floppy disks of the era, they were weird-ass proprietary disks made by Apple just because they wanted to make their own disks, because of arrogance or madness or glee or all of that. They were called “Twiggy” disks, after the famously thin model, and they were weird. 

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Vidframe Min Bottom

They looked weird, they spun at variable speeds, unlike most floppies, and all that weirdness let Apple save about 870K per disk, which is incredible when you remember that the Apple II 5.25″ disks only stored 143K! They were notoriously fragile and unreliable, though, and were a dead end. Still, I’m glad I had enough around to get the new comment system loaded! – JT]

It should just work, but you may have to re-log in

Jason (actually, our wonderful tech team at Jazel) has worked hard to make this as seamless a transition as possible. We’ve also set the permissions so that, once you get a link, you’re not constantly asked to log in again. There’s a chance that you may need to log in again, but if you’ve transitioned your account via Memberful there’s also a chance you won’t need to. We will update this post when comments are fully deployed so you’ll know if you’re not seeing them.

There’s an edit button!

Edit Button 1


Of the many requested features, the biggest one seems to be an edit button. I’m not sure why. My language is prefect. For the rest of you, just hit the gear and it should give you the option to edit your post.

You Can Decide How You Want Comments Ordered

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Do you want to see the most discussed article or do you want to see the most favorited? It’s up to you! Use the icons above to decide how you want to see comments. Because this is a friendly place, we’re not doing upvoting and downvoting. Your only choices are to give something a smiley face (favorite) or do nothing. We hope this also discourages trolling and keeps this a fun place to interact.

Notifications. Oh so many notifications.


Our new commenting system features a nice little comment notification system when you are within a post. The little comment circle floats with you and it gives you a couple of pieces of information. The first number is the number of comments on the post you’re reading, which is fairly straightforward.


The second number, which is orange, can give you even more information. If there’s an awesome conversation you want to keep tabs on without having to keep scrolling through everything, you can subscribe to it. You can also choose to just subscribe to your replies. If you do nothing, it should still alert you to replies when you’re on that post.

All Your Activity In One Place

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In our current system, it’s hard to tell where your conversations are. Now using the “activity center” you can see all your most recent comments and also all your “subscriptions” (i.e. the conversations you saved). You can always reach this by clicking the little person and gear next to the comment counter on the articles.

We Will Be Adding Features As We Go

The new system includes numerous options we can turn on, including notification via email and user follows. Some of these features we’re going to hopefully roll out in the comings weeks and months, but for the moment we want to make sure the basic system works consistently without issues.

To that end: Please let us know if something isn’t working and please have patience if something breaks. You can email me if you see any issues: matt@theautopian.com.


This is gonna be great!

An Alternative Topshot

There was a lot of debate internally over whether or not the image of Steve Martin from The Jerk was too outdated of a reference. I don’t think it is, both because the film is a classic and because Steve Martin has persevered (he has a popular show on a streaming service right now). Just in case that didn’t land, here’s one inspired by the latest 100 gecs song (which is a total bop) [Editor’s Note: I have no idea what the hell Matt is talking about. I don’t know about “the Jerk” — which is, I assume, a film about the first derivative of acceleration — and I don’t know what a gec is, much less 100 of them. -DT]. 

New Comments Are Here

Photo Credits: 100 Gecs, NBC Universal

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1 year ago

Nice improvements. What is your thought about letting us add pictures?

1 year ago

My glasses kept sliding down my nose as I was trying to read about these improvements. Anyhing you guys can do about that?

Mercedes Streeter
Mercedes Streeter
1 year ago
Reply to  Matt Hardigree

Agreed, thank you so much!

Mercedes Streeter
Mercedes Streeter
1 year ago
Reply to  Matt Hardigree

Thank you for thank you-ing!

David Tracy
David Tracy
1 year ago

Can you thank me?

Jakob K's Garage
Jakob K's Garage
1 year ago

Also that RSS/Wifi symbol superimposed over a white silhouette’s head, on the default avatar, makes it kind of look like it has an Adolf Hitler hairdo…
(But this site IS a lot about old Volkswagens, so I guess that’s somehow fitting 😉 )

1 year ago

Interesting. Let’s see how well it works out. ???? ETA: [Clearly, android emojis don’t work.]

Last edited 1 year ago by MrMoKnows
Jakob K's Garage
Jakob K's Garage
1 year ago

The spam people have moved to the new system as well, so shouldn’t we have a report button or something?
Otherwise looks fine (thumbs up emoji – spelled out instead of just getting 4 ?s)

1 year ago

Test post, yep everything works.

Last edited 1 year ago by Space
David Meyer
David Meyer
1 year ago

He hates these cans! Stay away from the cans!

1 year ago

You know….you’ll be less likely to lose your 10mm socket if all the cars you work on use US-ian sized fasteners! 🙂

Mike Smith
Mike Smith
1 year ago

Interesting; the ‘subscribe’ function works on this article, but when I tried to use it on Adrian C.’s i3 article, I got a red ‘subscription fault’ message. Bug or PEBDAC?

1 year ago

I am logged in, but when I click “Account” I get a modal prompt to log in with my email. I want to change my dumb avatar.

Jalop Gold
Jalop Gold
1 year ago
Reply to  DadBod

but I love you being pear-shaped!

Col Lingus
Col Lingus
1 year ago

So that movie kicked back then. Since then all of my dogs have been named Shithead. Life was harder back then but the dogs were smarter…

Tad Rivenbark
Tad Rivenbark
1 year ago

Will we be able to post images at some point? Let the meme wars begin

Urambo Tauro
Urambo Tauro
1 year ago

Oh hell yeah, it’s like new tool day! (Now where’d that 10mm go…?)

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x