For years, car enthusiasts and journalists alike have wondered if the Toyota Prius was designed with wine storage in mind. I mean, the glovebox is suspiciously perfectly shaped to hold your favorite bottle of wine. Hey, in some places, like Tennessee, it is legal for your passengers to get totally sloshed. Maybe Toyota was thinking about those Tennessee passengers who just need to get wasted while getting carted around in a Prius.
Well, Toyota’s official explanation for the Prii’s bottle-friendly design is far less amusing:

“The glove box design is the result of a need to offer passengers storage while also accommodating vehicle components like electrical and HVAC. The unique fit of this bottle is purely coincidental.”
Naturally, our readers aren’t satiated, and today’s COTD winner is UsernameTaken with this challenge:
You guys should do a where stuff can go segment comparison series – will a standard wallet fit in the door close? Where can you put sunglasses to be at hand.
That’s the kind of automotive design coverage Big AutoJourno™ doesn’t want you to know about
I don’t know if this would be a comparison series, but you have convinced me to try to fit silly things into weird places in press vehicles. I’m testing a Zero DSR/X right now, can a Smart Fortwo’s alternator fit in its storage box? I can find out!
Since I’ve been gone at AirVenture for the past week, I’m going to nominate a few more comments today. SquareTaillight2002 made me groan by starting a hilarious thread in the article about the Dutton amphibious car company being for sale:
If I bought this company, would that be considered sunk cost?
Rad Barchetta followed it up with:
You’ll definitely be underwater for a little while.
And 3WiperB sailed it home with:
Buy it. Give in to the pier pressure. Don’t let the lack of sails discourage you. If you have enough capital, you can float it for a while.
Finally, we have a comment from the weekend, when Jason wrote about a Toyota Camry trike and accidentally called it a Corolla. LTDScott pointed out how the vehicle was a Camry, but Lokki brought up a great point:
Yeah, Leave Torch alone! Jeez! How do you all expect him to identify a car WITH NO TAIL-LIGHTS?
Have a great evening, everyone! I’m currently brewing up something on this plane, which you will read really soon!
For my fellow5th gen 4Runner owners, a new roll of dog poop bags fits PERFECTLY in the little (I assume coin holder) slot in the center console by the manual transfer case shift lever.
If you cut a hole in the wall behind the back seat in an E30 convertible, its the perfect place to smuggle drugs. I’m speaking for a previous owner of my own vehicle. I sadly discovered the hole years later.
Any vehicle that has evidence of being used for crime in the past gets major coolness points from me.
Find any sweet sweet narcotics?
A standard rectangular box of tissues fits perfectly in the floor storage space under the center console in a gen 1 Chevy Bolt. Nice work GM engineers!
My wife keeps a squishmallow there to add some cushioning to that underpadded passenger seat.
Multifunction storage space! Go Bolts!
Good work SquareTaillight2002 for kicking off that thread! A comment section full of bad puns was one of my favorite parts of Ye Olde Lighting Site. Happy to see them starting to make a comeback.
Being first limited my wave of wit but we were soon awash with water wordplay.
…and here’s a video of Tom Cruise absolutely bringing it for a single motorcycle stunt in the new “Mission Impossible”:
#CGI movies are garbage
I have a 2nd Gen Colorado and would be ecstatic if you could identify literally anything that properly fits in any of the front door pockets. Pretty sure the Silverado is similar. The rear door pockets have regular sized cupholders.
A.Barth did all the heavy lifting. The readers are here TO BE ENTERTAINED, DAMMIT
Well, I still want to know what they don’t want us to. I mean, do we really know that different color fuses don’t taste different?
Not at all, but thank you!
You communicated an interesting idea; I made a dumb comment related to that idea. 🙂
Double entendres that would make a 12-year-old boy snicker are ALWAYS welcome here.
A bag of Doritos or a family size cereal box fit into the center armrest of the Honda CR-Z. I have no idea why there’s so much space in there
Family friendly vehicle, so full sized box of Cherrios sounds like the perfect thong to keep kiddos happy on the trip to grandma’s house 🙂
Please don’t ever use the words “thong” and “grandma” in that close proximity again. 😛