Home » I Designed A New DeLorean That’s Better Than The New DeLorean Designed By DeLorean

I Designed A New DeLorean That’s Better Than The New DeLorean Designed By DeLorean

Dmc Top

It seems like there are vaporware high-end EVs being released with eye-rolling regularity at the moment, and a few weeks ago after some flashing of thigh on social media, the DeLorean Motor Company whipped the virtual covers from it’s Alpha 5, high-coin, five-meter long behemoth that, gull wing doors aside, bears no resemblance to the original DMC-12 whatsoever. A commenter suggested that I have a go at redesigning the DeLorean, and seeing as we’re customer service third around here I’ve had a go. Good job I just got my flame suit back from the dry cleaners.

So we’re all on the same page, here’s what the original, 1981 DeLorean looked like:

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

Dmc 12

For reference before we get into the re-design, right above there is what the new, re-born DeLorean company’s electric Alpha 5 looks like:

Dmc 2views


And below, my re-imagined DeLorean:

What do car designers like? Black clothing and fancy watches obviously, along with die cast models, expensive sneakers, and door stop coffee table books about design. But what car designers really love is the chance to re-do a classic car.

One of my favorite projects when I was a student at the Royal College of Art was one where we had to do just that, and then got the opportunity to show our work and be judged at the prestigious Salon Prive show at Belnheim Palace (where sir Winston Churchill was born). I ate a lot of free lobster on the finely manicured lawns that afternoon.

Fun fact, the DMC-12 was actually the development name for the DeLorean; the name was based on its projected on sale price of $12,000, a target that it spectacularly missed. In fact, it ended up costing nearly $26,000. It was never officially called DMC-12 in marketing materials or anywhere else.

The car had an extremely problematic and convoluted development that at various points saw it utilizing a wankel rotary, the 2-liter straight four from a Citroen CX, and the Ford 2.8 Cologne V6. In the end it wheezed out of the showrooms with a different 2.8, the PRV (Peugeot Renault Volvo) unit. With a Renault gearbox, steel backbone chassis and a plastic body covered in stainless steel panels, it was essentially a reskinned Lotus Esprit – John Z had handed production development to Colin Chapman of Lotus.


When looking for someone to pen the exterior of his dream car, Delorean went to the Turin Motor Show in 1974. Looking past the traditional Italian carrozzeria, he was impressed by the modern crisp wedges of one up and coming young marker wielder, Giogetto Guigaro, who coincidentally also designed the original Lotus Esprit. After barely two years on sale and with about 9,000 cars sold, the whole adventure collapsed into bankruptcy, amid accusations of missing British taxpayers cash. The British government had been one of the main backers of the project, including building the factory in Northern Ireland in an attempt to bring jobs and peace to the troubled province.

Today the Delorean an icon because of it’s starring role in the Back to the Future trilogy. John Delorean himself wrote to the producers to thank them for immortalizing his car – but it nearly didn’t appear at all. Ford was willing to back up a large money-truck if the producers changed the car, prompting producer Bob Gale to retort “Doc Brown doesn’t drive a fucking Mustang.” The Delorean’s stainless steel body (because according to Guigaro, Delorean didn’t want to pay to install painting booths in the factory) and science-fiction looks suited time travel perfectly.

So I had to be careful. For time reasons I didn’t do a ton of sketch exploration for this. I had some ideas of what I wanted to do and jumped straight into Photoshop. I’ve given it a more modern glazing treatment, and updated the front and rear lighting graphics for a trendy pixelated pattern. Finally, I smoothed off the body and integrated the bumpers into the bodywork like a modern car.

Normally in the studio when updating an existing car you would do a few proposals, ranging from evolution to revolution; something quite safe and expected, something radical and something in between. This definitely falls near the evolution end of the spectrum but I feel it captures the spirit of the original while sympathetically updating it.

So as usual it’s over to you for your critiques, comments and general mischief making. Does this look like something you want to bolt a flux capacitor into, add a Mr Fusion and hit 88mph? Or would you rather stall it across a railroad crossing to be smashed into pieces by a strange train that appears out of nowhere?

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Travis Jones
Travis Jones
2 years ago

I’d like to see big personal luxury sedans given the modern treatment, not like the Merc S Class Coupe, but the American personal luxury sedans brought back : The Chevy Monte Carlo (70-88) The Ford Thunderbird (80-97) Chrysler Cordoba (75-83) and Dodge Mirada (80-83)

Rollin Hand
Rollin Hand
2 years ago

Can I just say thanks, not just for the design, which I like a lot, but for hanging out in the comments and explaining your thinking, the design process , and how it works the larger process of birthing a car (ouch!). It’s very cool that you are sharing your passion with us.

And we don’t need crates of beer to start a modern DMC. We need a briefcase full of….not beer. You know, for tradition.

2 years ago

For me, that flat windshield was part of that late 70s wedge design and is something I personally remember a lot about the DeLorean, so I would have found a way to keep that for the revision as well. But maybe that would have been too “retro”? You’ve gotta break some eggs to make an omelette and all that.

2 years ago

After much consideration, I would say “Meh”.

2 years ago

I like this a lot! It’s certainly a better use of the DeLorean name than the Alpha 5. This actually is something I’d like to drive!

2 years ago

Alpha 5? Like the robot in Power Rangers?

2 years ago

You did it right imo. If you’re going to make a new Delorean and it doesn’t look like the only Delorean people care about, what’s even the point?

Saul Springmind
Saul Springmind
2 years ago

Visibility seems to be in Camaro range…looks good, but might feel like a bunker.

Manwich Sandwich
Manwich Sandwich
2 years ago

I like the front and back… particularly the lights.

However the wheels are too big, the tire sidewalls are too small, the roofline is a bit too low and there is no space between the body and wheels for suspension travel.

Oh and the tires are also too wide for the body work.

The real challenge to making a car concept drawing is to make one that looks great while ALSO looking like it could be built exactly as it looks and not be a nightmare to drive or live with.

While this concept drawing looks nice, there is no way a production version would look like that… or if it did, it would be unusable as a car.

Dave Horchak
Dave Horchak
2 years ago

Exactly that allows Adrian an advantage in the design contest. But given he has at most s couple days an advantage is okay. But I can’t get past the fact his designs look like they are put through that AI program mentioned in the article a few days ago and it spit this out. Everything looks like a cartoon Transformer and is non functional

2 years ago

I really like it. what is has that so many cars lack today are STRAIGHT LINES. the original was so angular, i dont think you can pay homage to it without some angularity.

2 years ago

The back-and-forth comments at the end; very good.

2 years ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

But this is an EV, not ICE or hybrid, no?

2 years ago
Reply to  TOSSABL

Ok, now I’m completely lost. Not only am I lost, I’m mired to the rockers over here, can’t even figure out which map I should look at ( LMVA >clearly< isn’t the Louisiana Medical Veterinary Association! ), and can’t see an identifiable road from here ( “…you MUST use a…engine. There is NO EV exception … ). I read those last 2 sentences several times, and they seem to say that ALL cars MUST be designed around ICE, which I’ve never heard of-and doesn’t make any sense to me. You are in the industry, and I am not: please give me some clarification here.

Not trying to be contentious here; I’m genuinely asking for help understanding.

2 years ago
Reply to  TOSSABL

Ah: makes perfect sense now. Thanks for taking time to drop that on me!
I’m going to copy & save this as it’s a much better explanation than I could glean a few years back when my bil was worrying about titling a Super7 clone here in Virginia. If I ever have occasion to use it, I’ll certainly include attribution.
{thumbs up emoji}

Dave Horchak
Dave Horchak
2 years ago
Reply to  TOSSABL

You’re high. Noone could fit in let alone see out and drive this design without Teslas auto pilot but actually working.
And in the words of Johnny Cochrane if the wheels don’t fit you must crush this piece of crap.

Dave Horchak
Dave Horchak
2 years ago
Reply to  TOSSABL

You’re high. Noone could fit in let alone see out and drive this design without Teslas auto pilot but actually working.
And in the words of Johnny Cochrane if the wheels don’t fit you must crush this piece of crap.

Dead Elvis Inc.
Dead Elvis Inc.
2 years ago
Reply to  Dave Horchak

That’s the kind of comment(er) that makes me wish for a downvote (or block) function.

2 years ago

It just doesn’t speak to me as a DeLorean. Other than the taillights, it looks more like a slightly modernized and flattened Lotus Esprit with cartoonish wheel wells. It’s too flat to even look like a real car, and that hurts it even more.

DeLoreans bodies are made of mostly flat planes because stainless steel sheet doesn’t bend easily and consistently over large, soft or complex contours in a die press like other alloys of steel and aluminum.

Thinking more about what made the original the way it was might result in a design that feels more authentic. But most of all, this doesn’t look enough like something a human would fit properly into.

2 years ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

Neither Defender nor Bangle BMW are stainless steel. Part of why Tesla’s Cybertruck is claimed to be made of such primitive polygons is the difficulty of forming large sheets of stainless steel consistently.

To give an idea where I’m coming from, I don’t like to see designs that are either clearly impossible to manufacture as shown, or obviously impossible to serve in the role they are designed for. Impossible to manufacture becomes possible when we stretch the envelope, so I’ll admit to flexibility there.

I do respect your version of presentation far more than I am conveying here! It seems that you’re accustomed to showing things in a much earlier, more vulnerable state, and I look for things more ready to roll. That vulnerability is extremely valuable.

I know I seem harsh and overly critical, and I apologize for that. My personality is more engineer than designer.

David Fernandez
David Fernandez
2 years ago

I love it!

The Bishop
The Bishop
2 years ago

Adrian- the Bishop here… what I am particularly please about in your design is addressing an issue that bugged me since my pre-teen eyes saw my first image of the original on the cover of my Road & Track magazine. You are NEVER NEVER going to match the color/finish/look of the stainless with the rubber bumpers, so why try? In design you’re always taught that if it can’t be a match, or if parts can’t always line up, etc., DON’T DO IT. Just allow it to contrast. Cracking good solution.

Adam Rice
Adam Rice
2 years ago

That beltline is higher than Doc Brown’s trousers. I’d be worried one would need a periscope to drive.

2 years ago

Good job. It looks like a DeLorean, unlike the the Alpha 5 (Koff-Dodge Stealth-Koff)

Jack Trade
Jack Trade
2 years ago

Love it. And it reminds me – can we please see more turbine wheels in real life? The future my childhood promised is now here so let’s see ’em already! How is it electric cars don’t all have them?!

But this exercise (and the Alpha 5 and all its drama) does raise an interesting philosophical question – is DeLorean properly a single car or a car company? What makes a DeLorean a DeLorean?

As in, it’s hard to know what a correct one should look like when there’s only been a single model that was made for two years. So there’s not really a ton of heritage, only a snapshot in time.

It may be the only car venture that has this problem?

2 years ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

We definitely see a lot of them rolling around Houston.

2 years ago

Getting a strong Isuzu Impulse vibe from this, particularly from the front 3/4 view. Of course, that was also a Giugiaro design, so not a big surprise, and definitely not a bad thing.

But I have to agree with others that it is a bit too evolutionary. Maybe shoot for a true wedge design with a straight line from the top of the windshield to the front of the hood/frunk-lid.

Ecsta C3PO
Ecsta C3PO
2 years ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

If there’s a website that can handle “out there concepts” its wherever Torch is – you’re sharing front page space with “This Is What Cars Would Be Like In A World Full Of Dragons”.

The haters looking for normal can go back to Motortrend, give us the weird and bold!!

Dave Horchak
Dave Horchak
2 years ago

First yeah crap redesign it’s nothing new and looks a dog ate it’s own turds and puked them back up.
However, the other redesign looks like some kids edition of one of those little pine car kits in cub scouts with wheels way to big to be functional.
Hey you want to hold DeLorean to standards you need to obey them to. Your turbine wheels are not fitting in the space it’s just crap for appeal.

Iain Tunmore
Iain Tunmore
2 years ago

Looks like you’ve designed an Ioniq5 coupe as much as a Delorean, not a surprise given the Ioniq5 clearly used the ‘80s futurism look for inspiration, and almost certainly specifically the Delorean.

2 years ago
Reply to  Iain Tunmore

Not only that, the Ioniq 5 also built on a Guigiaro design – the Hyundai Pony.

2 years ago

Maybe I’m the only one, but I can’t stand the look of an over-full wheel arch. It should look like it can actually function.

Dave Garland
Dave Garland
2 years ago
Reply to  Ivan256

I don’t mind the wheel arch, though it’s a bit excessive. And the tires seem to stick out to the sides, aren’t there laws about that anymore? (Whether they’re enforced would be a different question.) It’s the wheels themselves I hate, but I guess that’s just me. The body does have a nice DeLoreanish feel, unlike the current “DMC” incarnation. The fact that the stainless steel is because DeLorean was too cheap to have a paint shop is a fascinating tidbit. Me, I’d prefer a hatchback, but I’m not the expected market, unless MSRP is under $20K.

Dave Horchak
Dave Horchak
2 years ago
Reply to  Dave Garland

Also wasn’t the first delorean a piece of crap on Tesla scale? Bad panels over promises under delivery? In the movie Doc Brown needs to get the Delorean up to 88 mph, I heard a Delorean can’t go that fast.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave Horchak

The Delorean can go faster than 88 mph. The problem in the movie is that US federal regulations limited the speedometer to 85 mph. The movie had to mock up a speedometer that went beyond 85.

Jason Douglas
Jason Douglas
2 years ago
Reply to  Dave Horchak

They could get over 100mph, but they were slow getting there. 0-60 was about 10 seconds.

Timothy Arnold
Timothy Arnold
2 years ago

I dig your take but I’m admittedly fairly indifferent on an updated Delorean because I continue to find little to like about the car, even 40 years later.

This “Delorean EV” is a pretty clear case of “How do we get investors to give us money, some of which we might spend on designing an EV?” “Got it! Give it gullwing doors and call it a Delorean!”

2 years ago

Hopefully we, as a society, have gotten beyond the idea that “it looks like a Kia” is an insult, for Kia has made some fine looking cars and has done some genuinely risky things like the very unconventional new Sportage. Because the Alpha 5? It looks like a Kia. It would fit perfectly between a Stinger and an EV6 on a dealer lot.

Yours kinda makes me think “what if Zagato did a Delorean” which is an interesting thought.

2 years ago
Reply to  Citrus

I was thinking it looks like a Hyundai- the Ioniq specifically. Its like the coupe version of that.

Lizardman in a human suit
Lizardman in a human suit
2 years ago

DeLorean done right. It reminds me of the original while looking modern. Even better than the design team for the Challenger did.

Dave Horchak
Dave Horchak
2 years ago

Looks like the original in a matchbox redesign.
I’ll have to be honest I am not a fan of the cars he’s putting out. But hey nobody is designing cars for my demographic so maybe they actually are good.

2 years ago

Maybe a little too safe? Think about how much evolution is right for a 40 year span and if they were continuously making Deloreans. I think we would be further away from the OG.

2 years ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

Ah! So now we come to a key question. In these exercises do you design for:
A) what’s right in your eye
B) What would you know will sell
C) What you think Autopians want to see
Certainly when someone in corporate is signing your check, I imagine you try to promote A as much as possible, but ultimately have to deliver B. But what about here?

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