I’m getting married in a few weeks, and though I realize the “drive off car” is really only a background character in the whole production, to me it’s a big deal. So I want it to be awesome. Unfortunately, it’s got some significant issues that I have to fix in about 13 days.
Ok, first we’ll start with the bad news: I haven’t fixed the gas-smell issue. When I let off the accelerator pedal and coast, the car smells like gasoline. There’s no obvious fuel leak, so this seems like either an emissions issue or perhaps a case of too-rich combustion.

I did notice that my front crankcase ventilation elbow was basically just sitting on my valve cover; its seal was way, way too thin to actually do its job. I’ve replaced the elbow, but I need to find a bit of 5/8 hose to bridge between it and the tube that goes to the airbox.
Do I think a bad CCV could cause a gas smell in the cabin when I let off the pedal? Well, when I let off the pedal, the intake manifold pressure drops, which would suck air… yeah, no. The answer is no. This is not the issue. I’ve got a new evap canister coming from eBay — maybe that’ll do it?
Anyway, I have 13 days to figure that out.
On the plus side, I improved the interior quite a bit. Check out how it looked before:
And here’s how it looks today. Notice how I found a “Jeep” emblem for the steering wheel, I replaced those horrid shift knobs, and I reupholstered the driver’s seat:
I also ditched the silver/chrome HVAC knobs for the factory-correct ones:
Anyway, clearly this Jeep needs a cleaning — badly. There’s dirt and dust everywhere, and the carpet may have a few drops of cat pee on it, so I’ll be steam-cleaning the floor. This is where I see the most opportunity, as the exterior of the Jeep looks good.
But it’s not perfect. I’m tempted to rattle-can the front bumper satin black:
Here’s where I stand:
I’m focusing on figuring out the gas smell issue and having the interior professionally detailed, and from there, I might touch up a few exterior bits with black paint before washing the Jeep and removing the doors the day before the Big Day.
I’m all ears if you have any advice!
LOL. Nobody had this headline on their 2024 bingo card.
Wow! This makes my 1968 LTD that I used when I got married in 1979 (11 years old, that’s less than this POS Jeep!) look positively amazing!
David, get something decent and clean, or a limo!
My advice is stop. Stop now. Rent something nice. Do it for your soon to be wife
If only he had journalist connections to choose from a variety of press-loaners.
Or perhaps a business partner with a massive collection of cool cars…
That’s not a “new” evap canister, that’s another 30 year old used one that may well have the same problem your current one does.
Dude, have you ever seen a wedding dress? Usually they are white and kind of delicate. Riding in a Jeep with the doors off is NOT a recommended activity. Women often want to keep these things without tire marks or undercarriage mud on them.
Like everyone else here who is already married, I strongly suggest changing this plan. This isn’t the part of the wedding you want everyone talking about twenty years down the road…
One of our fondest memories is having someone else drive us away from our wedding in a suitable vehicle. The last thing either of us wanted to do was to have to drive ourselves. She’s going to want to talk about the evening, not watch your deft shiftwork and scream back and forth over the wind…And it gets cold in California at night in December, at least for the natives anyway.
Next you’ll be telling us your caterer is bringing spaghetti and an overhead lawn sprinkler system…
Waiting for the “I’m getting married in two hours and I STILL smell gas” chapter of this adventure. Honestly dude, just this once, don’t be that guy. Elise deserves better.
I mean, we can still get that headline even if the Jeep is on the east coast without him.
Really hope he doesn’t let his ego win this one
David be busy for sure!
Your soon-to-be-wife will likely be wearing a very nice, very special, very white dress for the occasion. Hopping into a Jeep might not be the best option. You’ve got friends at Galpin – borrow something nice, new, clean, and reliable. Or hire a limo and let someone else do the driving. Let a quiet, comfortable, un-automotive-eventful ride be the transition into your life together. Trust me on this. Please. If not for you, for Elise.
THIS. FFS David, don’t play with fire like this on your wedding day. If you insist on driving, get something nice and reliable from Galpin, something that Elise can actually sit in with a bridal dress (which are much bigger and more finicky than most other dresses) and not get it either a) dirty or b) snagged.
But really, you are going to be so fucking beat at the end of the reception that even if you haven’t had a drop to drink you really should have someone else do the driving. Just get a goddamn limo and savor the ride to wherever with just the two of you in your own private space. Trust me on this.
Exactly what I came here to say.
You think your wedding day is all about you – it’s not.
It’s about the person you’re marrying.
And Westside LexusGirl is NOT going to be thrilled with starting her married life driving off in a smelly, dirty old Jeep.
Get your pals at Galpin to let you borrow a CPO Aston Martin or F-Type from stock for the weekend.
You’ll thank me later.
Now – What are you wearing?
(Hint: NOT a borrowed, ill-fitting Tux)
Jesus DT, you have more drama in your life than a damn Kardashian.
(ask somebody)
Seriously guy, put on your big boy pants and be an adult about this.
Elise, (not pictured here) does not want to tell everyone how she spent her first hours of her honeymoon on the side of the 405 whilst you troubleshot shit of the shoulder.
Borrow something nice, clean, and reliable. Do it.
For once in your life don’t half ass this…
At this point in time, I’m gonna say borrow a nice Wrangler from the press fleet. Or talk to Beau about using something cool from Galpin.
This is a David Tracy article! Good Luck!
I second that. David, use the Jeep. It is special to you, so make the day even more special and enjoy!
Beau should have some professional detailers at the dealerships. He should eb able to hook you up and have them detail it. You can worry about other stuff.
David, we all love you and I’m sure (not her real name) is no stranger to you covered in iron oxide and smelling like old gasoline but…my brother in rust, just take the i3
Is the Mustang out of the question/too cliché/still on fire?
After all, it can fairly be said it’s the car you drove cross country to meet the woman with whom you’ll spend the rest of your life.
Since you brought it up, I hate to tell you that my invitation seems to have gotten lost in the mail. I won’t turn up empty handed. I have most of a six pack.
And a pasta strainer full of spaghetti:-)
I’m assuming you’ve ruled out the easy stuff – bad gas cap, fuel line leak, faulty injectors – so that leaves bad oxygen sensor, or, as you mentioned, a too rich mixture. Anything other than that is beyond my experience. I did once have a similar problem during deceleration when my gas tank was relatively full. Turned out there was a bad tank seam toward the front top of the tank and under braking conditions the fuel shifted forward and up and would spray out. Of course, by the time I’d go looking for the problem, the whole area was dry again. This was a relatively old car, though, so doubt that’s your issue.
Yikes. Did it eventually dawn on you what was going on, leading you to inspect the seams, or ??
Fuel pump failed and I dropped the tank to replace it and inspect the tank, that’s when I noticed the seep when the tank rocked as I was lowering it and the gas sloshed around.
You should be helping (not her real name) with all the last minute important wedding details, not wrenching alone in the dark on yet another broken Jeep.
Just borrow an interesting car from Beau’s collection.
There is time for wrenching on yet another broken Jeep later.
That’s a great idea to use a different car! I like the Berkeley personally. If it needs to be a Jeep because you’re a Jeep guy, just put a JEEP logo on it.
There is a noble German ritual saying if the groom’s Jeep is not ready 2 weeks before the wedding, take the i3 which shall be golden. And eternal happiness will follow.
The prophecy foretold of a golden BMW, known as a holy grail. It would present itself in the hour it was needed most.
Please tell me that you are changing the purge valve at the same time as the vapor canister. It is way more likely that the solenoid failed.
Common Symptoms of a Bad Vapor Canister Purge Valve / Solenoid
Looks like you can pick one up for $26 on Amazon.
Every time he writes an article where he mentions the fuel smell, I comment something about checking the purge solenoid for a leak. And yet…I don’t think that’s happened. But what do I know? I’m just a 25-year ASE Master with an L1 advanced engine performance certification.
I think the canister is fine unless it got flooded with water, but if he is already changing it doing the valve at the same time will take an extra 2 minutes. I have always thought it was the solenoid valve because it happens when the valve is supposed to close. If it is getting stuck open that would explain it, but there definitely could be cracks in there making the smell worse. It is a 30 year old plastic part that should be expected to fail.
There could be a hole in the purge valve diaphragm, but there is no purge solenoid AFAIK.
Search the interchange numbers and you can find a cheaper one on Amazon. Where would the computer plug in if there was no solenoid?
This vehicle is not equipped with purge solenoid as far as I know.
Yikes! I think you’re right! I’d like to apologize for my bad attitude in my prior post. I would not have guessed that a multi-point fuel injected vehicle would have such an old-school evap purge system. If the issue is easily duplicated, you could (for diagnostic purposes) disconnect the purge tube from the manifold and plug the purge fitting on the manifold, then drive it again to isolate. With any luck, your new (used) canister from ebay has a good regulating valve on it, and the problem will be solved.
A very good friend with a YJ was chasing an issue and ended up sending it to his trusted mechanic. Turned out there was a split between the upper and lower portion of the gas tank. The tank is two pieces and the two were coming apart.
Not sure how that would relate to the smell occurring when you let off the gas, but perhaps gasoline is spilling out just a little at a time between the seam. Even a small amount is easily smelled, after all.
I’ve removed the tank, and all looked good.
I must have missed an installment. Did you give up on the CJ?
He did. It turned out to be a Bondo queen
Indeed. Bondo ain’t for me.
Yeah, just have someone else detail it. It’s one less thing on your plate to deal with and you won’t be looking around on your wedding day noticing places that you missed. Surely there’s a lot boy/girl somewhere around Galpin with some free time and a need for a few extra bucks?
The solution is staring you right in the face, never let off the accelerator pedal! You’ll make it to your honeymoon destination in no time!
That’s the great thing about an old wrangler, you basically need to have the pedal to the metal all the time! Put some oversized tires on it and it’ll make it that much easier!
JFC David borrow a Wrangler from the Jeep press fleet.
Halle-f***ing-lujiah! Thank you for saying the same thing we all are, except David might actually listen to you. No one wants to disappoint their goth uncle, do they David?
YES! Seriously, if you somehow have time to wrench (you don’t). Then that time would be better spent making a nice picture gallery or something. FFS…
The voice of reason.
Pay the Galpin folks to detail it, and then give the emissions a once over. That’s most of the battle, and they will get it a lot cleaner than you will for not a lot of money.
Careful, if he gets it detailed and then gets the gas smell problem figured out, the interior might still need detailing again to finish off the smell!
A little eau de octane is part of the charm, though.
Get the gas smell fixed, but HIRE A PROFESSIONAL TO DETAIL IT OUT. They know more than you, they have specialized tools, and they will do it better and faster.
Ask Beau for a recommendation.
Put a detail on your gift registry, and a pressure washer
Yes, this is what I said I’d do in the article.
For sure I’ll have a detailer work their magic.