David is enjoying what he calls the Holy Grail of BMW i3s, the BMW i3S. It’s easily the nicest car he’s ever owned and one that cost him a very shiny penny, $30,000 worth of them! David’s deep in the honeymoon stage where he’s treating the car like it’s his baby. So, you could only imagine his heartbreak when a lane-splitting motorcyclist screwed up and clipped his mirror. Sadly, the biker became one of the reasons why Americans don’t seem to like lane-splitting, and the catalyst for David potentially turning his new i3S into a garage queen.
Sadly, 90sBuicksAreUnderrated (great username!) is right about the daily-driven car. You may baby your car, but things will happen:

Ah, I remember my first brand new daily. Still have it actually, 170,000 miles and countless rock chips, door dings, acorn dents, scratches and clear coat swirls later. And I’d consider myself someone who’s reasonably cautious and takes above average care of my cars.
Here’s the thing… a daily driver is a tool. It gets shit done, and has the accompanying battle scars to prove, no matter how careful you are. Outside of spending absurd amounts of money to fix every little blemish, that’s just the way it is. If you want to keep a car nice, you make it a garage queen.
All that said, that’s not why you bought this car. You bought it with the specific intent of using it as a daily driver. Would you purposely spend $30K on a garage queen? My gut tells me no, based on what I’ve read from you. When you already own so many cars, keeping two of the same ones seems quite unnecessary and expensive. Cars cost you a lot of money whether you drive them all the time or just sit. Sell the old one and drive the new one. Eventually you’ll get over the blemishes.
Sometimes I wish I could be like my neighbor and not give a darn about what happens to my cars. Many readers are against the idea of garage queens, but I’m okay with them. A few of my vehicles are garage queens, like my Volkswagen Touareg V10 TDI, because daily driving them would be asking for trouble. It’s your car, do whatever you want with it.
But David should be careful, or else an article like this from sentinelTk could be a possibility:
Excellent….one step closer to the inevitable article “Help, I have 12 i3s and the city is threatening to tow them!” in 5 years time…..
Citrus also has the right idea:
The “why not both” suggestion your partner made suggests you are either meant to be or a dangerous combination.
This logic is why I have two dozen vehicles! My wife says yes to literally all of my nutty ideas.
Finally, let’s stop at the Morning Dump, where it was revealed that Fisker apparently never stockpiled enough parts for the Ocean. As a result, the company cannibalized parts from Henrik Fisker’s personal Ocean, including the driver seat cushion. Fasterlivingmagazine wonders:
So you’re saying that if i buy a Fisker Ocean, that theres a chance i’ll be sitting on a seat cushion that Henrik Fisker personally farted on?
Stoney got got (potentially) nailed the reply:
Either way, he gas lit you.
Have a great evening, everyone!
Woohoo! Now where’s $kaycog to tell me what I won?!
Pretty sure it means exactly what it says. We used to do it as kids. You just need a Bic lighter and excess flatus.
I only know one man who uses the word “flatus” and he plays a bass guitar…
For a second there, I thought you weren’t entirely sure Stoney nailed the reply.
I’m a huge fan of the COTYesterday as it reminds us to reflect on the previous day’s material not the same day. Food for thought ????