Home » See If You Can Identify What This Extremely Wrecked Car Once Was

See If You Can Identify What This Extremely Wrecked Car Once Was

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As you may have heard, my co-founder David Tracy has sort of halfway, sloppily moved to Los Angeles, and while he’s still very new in that strange gem of a city, he’s already been doing the important work that needs doing. Specifically, finding really trashed cars shoved out in the woods so we can try to figure out what they are. This first one is a really great example of a forgotten, very smashed woodland car-corpse, and was found while hiking in Fryman Canyon Park. So, let’s look at these pictures, and if you think you know what the car is, tell us in the little survey below! I do know the answer, but I’m reluctant to say it yet, because I don’t want to contaminate the guessing. But I bet someone will figure it out!

This is a tricky one, but it’s a car I’m about certain everyone reading this is familiar with, so don’t worry about it being a Jowett Jupiter or something like that. You know this car. And, this next image may have the clues you need to identify it:Whatwas2Look at the details! The body shape may be tricky, because it seems a lot of misfortune has befallen the car, and it wears that misfortune pretty much everywhere. Maybe this next picture will help:Whatwas5

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom


You know what? I don’t think it will. That’s not helpful. At all. In fact, it’s mostly sticks. Let’s look at another one:



Yeah, that’s not much better, really. I think those first two images are your best bet. There’s just enough there to figure it out. Should I give a clue? Hmm. I’m not really sure I should. It’s tempting, because I love thinking up clues, but you kooks are just too good at this stuff. I bet it’ll be solved in less than an hour. Tell you what – I’ll reveal the answer and the results of the survey in tomorrow’s Cold Start. I guess you can discuss amongst yourselves in the comments, too.

Also, if this is your car, you should really come get it back, because it may have been vandalized.

Okay, feeling ready? Scrutinized the images? Squinted? Measured? Good. Tell me what your guess is:

Okay! Can’t wait to see how you did!


Tomorrow morning’s Cold Start will reveal the breakdown of all the responses, so stay tuned!



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Justin Setchell
Justin Setchell
1 year ago

Is this going to be a reoccurring series of articles of identifying rusty wreck, cause I’ve got some pics of a curious one I found at the bottom of a cliff. Can I send them to someone?

JC Miller
JC Miller
1 year ago

This is the Shaggin’ Wagon, the 1967 Volkswagen Samba belonging to Ashton Kutcher’s from That 70’s Show 🙂

My 0.02 Cents
My 0.02 Cents
1 year ago

Looks like a silver birch tree in that second picture.
are you sure there’s a car in that pic?

Erik Innocent
Erik Innocent
1 year ago

I’m going to go with Datsun 410. Not because it looks like one, but because I can’t stop thinking of the rickety one I was in the very first time I encountered the cliffs of PCH.

David Hudson
David Hudson
1 year ago

Love it. More of this.

1 year ago

My initial gut reaction was that the tail light trim looked a lot like an AMC Pacer, but after reviewing pics on Google I’d say that’s totally incorrect and Calicolorado probably has it right.

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
1 year ago

I don’t recall what this is, but I do remember seeing it on BAT not long ago. I thought the $30K reserve was a bit high, but it was described as mostly original with some tasteful modifications applied by gravity and some patina.

1 year ago

It’s not a Jeep because the story would be about David dragging it home. “I snapped a U joint on my Mustang dragging home a Holy Grail Jeep with Renault seats.”

1 year ago

I really don’t know, but it has a 70’s Mopar feel to me. I went with my gut and picked a Dodge Aspen. Those have been worthless since they were basically new, so it’s certainly no stretch to see it abandoned in the woodsed.

77 Dodge Aspen
77 Dodge Aspen
1 year ago
Reply to  Shop-Teacher

Can confirm dodge assessment, if not your guess

Argentine Utop
Argentine Utop
1 year ago

Easy. BMW E 21.

1 year ago

I like this game, can’t wait for more!

1 year ago
Reply to  Gubbin

I agree it’s good cheap fun.
I’m thinking this would be a good game for the weekends.

Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
1 year ago

I had a reasonable guess. Definitely not sure. It took long enough to figure out front back or side. If i was right it was definitely totally pretzeled. Next time how about part of a tire in the picture? Lol

1 year ago

1974-76 BMW 2002 in Malaga

1 year ago
Reply to  Calicolorado

I think you are right!

1 year ago
Reply to  Zed_Patrol

What gave it away was the right side circular fuel port adjacent to the side marker light, the metal flange for the two brake lines on the inner fender and accompanying two gaskets, and the cutouts in the rear panel for the US diving board bumpers. The Squaries have bright trim found the taillights and you can see the trunk button too. Also the shape of the wheel arch metal is 2002.

I got to know 2002 sheet metal well during the resto of my car

Clearly a sad end for the car and driver…

1 year ago
Reply to  Calicolorado

Well I got the country of origin right.
I knew it wasn’t a Jeep or AMC, so that left me thinking something German without a fuel door.
Oh well. (-:

Derek van Veen
Derek van Veen
1 year ago
Reply to  Calicolorado

Sadly, I think you are correct.

IRegertNothing, Esq.
IRegertNothing, Esq.
1 year ago
Reply to  Calicolorado

I figured it was from the 70’s based on the humongous bumper mount. Beyond that, I was lost.

1 year ago

Is that the Phantom Dodge? A photographer called Jason Knight (https://twitter.com/lostlosangeles) took photos of the wrecks in that canyon a while back.

Viking Longcar
Viking Longcar
1 year ago

David’s next project?

1 year ago
Reply to  Viking Longcar

It’s clearly not rusty enough for that.

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
1 year ago
Reply to  Viking Longcar

I wonder if his new landlord has any idea of what’s going in that dishwasher. Or going on in that shower…

1 year ago

Hmmm. Looks like it’s upside down, for one thing

Mike Harrell
Mike Harrell
1 year ago

I think I’ve figured it out but in some ways a Jowett Jupiter would have been easier.

Iain Tunmore
Iain Tunmore
1 year ago

No clue what it is, but I love this game. I originally found you Torch on the old site via tweets you used to do of ‘identify this car that was involved in a crime’. Why did it stop? Can it be revived?

Mr. Asa
Mr. Asa
1 year ago
Reply to  Iain Tunmore

Why did it stop? Can it be revived?

Could probably be revived, with more crime.

Peter Andruskiewicz
Peter Andruskiewicz
1 year ago
Reply to  Iain Tunmore

Sure, give me an hour or so …

Mr. Asa
Mr. Asa
1 year ago

Not sure what it is, but I’ve heard of the curves along Mulholland Drive claiming a lot of cars over the years. Supposed to be a small dealership’s worth of wrecked cars down there.

That’d be a fun write up.

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