Home » I Used This Wooden Toy As Inspiration For A Real Pickup Truck Design, And It Looks Awesome

I Used This Wooden Toy As Inspiration For A Real Pickup Truck Design, And It Looks Awesome

Candylab Full Size Truck Ts

“Life imitates art more than art imitates life” is a quote from Oscar Wilde.

In the studio at Jasonia Automobile Works, designers stood around a table with the most depressed looks on their faces. It was as if they’d gotten drunk the night before and just realized that in their stupor they’d done a terrible thing like buy a sensible five-year-old Camry online or some equally unspeakable act. The real cause of their foul moods was something entirely different.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

In minutes, Dear Leader Jason Torchinsky would walk into the room to talk about a new project. Jasonia Automobile Works (or JAM) is heavily, heavily subsidized by the government, so the ruler of this nation feels that he has the right to dictate the design of any new vehicle the company builds.

The vehicle in question was something that JAM thought would be the key to success overseas: a pickup truck, and Jason had opinions. Dear Leader pulled up in his clanking eight-generation Ford F-150, parking it on a downhill slope in case the missing teeth on the flywheel take up residence near the starter. He emerges from a cloud of smoke and walks in to sit at the head of the studio table. This was bound to be a nightmare.

The Truckiest Truck

As always, the sun was shining on this emerging nation; the lovely island breeze was blowing in through the windows of the studio space above the factory currently building the infamous JAM 808 Rotary:


M35 Avg

Img20230416 16393127Despite the gorgeous day, things were about to get real. Torch didn’t even need to open his mouth to express his desires for the JAM truck design; his tomato-soup-red choice of transportation parked outside that day showed his cards. Regardless, Jason started to talk about “pure trucks” and “solid functionality” — something he feels is missing in pickups today.

Dear Leader Torch continued his diatribe on modern trucks; “if people from forty years ago saw one of these things they’d laugh.” Jason demonstrated by putting some images of late model pickups on the big wall-mounted screen. “Look at those grilles; they’re absurd”. He wasn’t wrong:

Truck Fronts
Images: Hendrick cars, General Motors

As a comparison, Jason cast some examples of what he called “pure trucks” onto the video screen. The images were of alarming things like these Desoto and Fargo trucks from Turkey:

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source: Chrysler

This division of Chrysler corporation used these old brand names in Turkey long after American Mopar had discontinued them, and it’s hard to believe the brochure above is for a brand new 1975 vehicle. Sold in this form until the late seventies, the products could almost be described as having no styling at all, if that’s even possible. The only round items are the wheels and the headlights, and some models later models after Chrysler sold their interests don’t even have that (square headlights — not wheels, that is).


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Img4069 52512
source: Chrysler

One designer mentioned that the wheel arches of the Turkish products look like the Cybertruck, hoping that the association would turn off Torch. Nobody needed to beat the dead horse of what’s wrong with the Tesla pickup; it would be preaching to the choir in this room, and those that actually like the design won’t be swayed by any arguments.

source: Tesla

In fact, Jason was seemingly open to such low-polygon designs; he’d been intrigued by the infamous “low polygon” one-off car that’s popped up on the scene in recent years.


Lowpoly Ct Comp
source: The Autopian

Another thing that bothers art history graduate Jason to no end is calling the aesthetics of the Cybertruck “brutalist” because of the exposed steel exoskeleton, like the brutalist buildings of the fifties and sixties.

The National Theatre, South Bank, London (3)
source: Wikimedia/ Mark Ahsmann

Jason quotes Boston-based architect and professor Mark Pasnik:

 “The intentions and ideas behind the (Cyber)truck and those behind brutalism could not be more divergent,” he says. “The truck is consumerist, whereas brutalism’s monumentality is civic. The truck’s boldness serves the bravado of an individual, whereas brutalism’s visual power was meant to project the shared dignity of the public realm.”

Based on that, Torch argues that his tomato-soup-colored F-series is more of a brutalist design than Tesla’s; a Truck For The People. Still, the issues with the Cybertruck (and, to many degrees, Brutalist architecture) go well beyond aesthetics; it’s the lack of usefulness. The shape of the Cybertruck severely limits access to the pickup bed, it’s unnecessarily tall in the center and frunk space is compromised by the shape of the nose. It has a functional look without actual functionality.

Many SketchMonkey-level scribblers have done rather amateurish, simplistic so-called “let’s fix Cybertruck” attempts where they make the thing look more like a “normal” pickup by chopping bed sides and angling the hood down like you see below:

Lowpoly Ct Comp 2

Jason, oddly enough, seems to like where this approach is going; another designer tries to dampen his enthusiasm by saying that it “changes it from a Cybertruck to a Candylab toy.” This was supposed to be a criticism, but the guy didn’t realize that he’s just stepped into the deep end.


Don’t Toy With Us, Jason

Jason wasn’t just familiar with the Candylab brand of toys; he’d actually done some work with them. These delightful wood playthings are abstract interpretations of cars from years gone by; their modular Volkswagen Beach Bus was developed in part by Torch himself (no, this part of the story is not made up) and can change from a bus to a pickup, and it can even add a Westfalia-type camper top.

Vw Candyla B 1 22

Candylab Bus 2 1 10

What Dear Leader Torch is most chuffed about is that the new ID Buzz looks a lot like his Candylab VW Bus, a toy which was an abstraction of the real first VW Bus. If this were the case (it’s likely not, but nobody is telling Jason this), the ID Buzz is almost like life imitating art (well, an artful toy) that was originally imitating life.

While the Candylab site was still on the screen in the studio, the team started scrolling though the other available toys and landed on the one called Longhorn, which appeared to be the ultra-angular, flat-planed Candylab product that the one designer thought the modified Cybertruck sort of resembled.


Longhorn 1 1 11

Longhorn 5 1 11

Screenshot (2516)
source: Candylab

“That’s it!” screamed Jason, “That’s our truck. You’re looking at the JAM pickup.” Did he mean that the Longhorn would be the distant inspiration for this new truck?

“No, I mean that’s the design”.

You see? I told you this was going to get strange.


The Shape Of Things That Were

As a toy, the shape of the Longhorn pushes all of the nostalgia buttons of many truck enthusiasts. The shape appears to be a slightly lower-polygon abstraction of older American pickups with bluff “foreheads” over flat grilles like the fifth through the eighth generation of F-Series Fords or the second generation 1968-72 General Motors C/K trucks.

6th Gen 1 11

7th Gen 1 11

2nd Gen 1 11
sources: Ford, Autohunter

From a functional standpoint, the shape is indeed ideal, with an easily accessible bed and a nose that can accommodate any ICE motor or enormous frunk if it’s an EV.

The Candylab products are indeed beautifully crafted toys; I’ve seen them at independent toy stores and they’re likely to last a lifetime. But making it real? Well, if Elon Musk has told us anything it’s that people will buy a non-commercial vehicle with such a sharp, angular design. The one possible good thing is that if such an aesthetic is applied to a work truck, all of the expected damage sustained over the years will merely add character to it, as opposed to Cybertruck where such dents and mark will make it appear to be a degrading cast-off Mars movie set prop.


Still, how the hell are we going to do this? Where do we even start?

So It’s Like 24:1 Scale?

The team desperately tried to get Jason back on track by at least asking how this real, scaled-up toy truck would be powered. “That doesn’t matter” Torch quipped back. “Who cares? It just has to look like the toy. You want an EV? We’ll get some electric skateboard chassis. Internal combustion engine? Chassis are available everywhere. Hell, I even called Nissan and they’re willing to ship leftover Titan frames and engines to my island right now; they’ll do ANYTHING for cash”.

A picture of a red Longhorn toy is put up on the screen; Jason grabs a Sharpie (no, not a dry erase) and starts drawing on the glass (seriously?).

Longhorn 3 1 11

JT doesn’t want to screw with the profile or nose shape, but he knows that a big white rectangle won’t work up front. Likely it will need a grille, so Torch suggests a black area surrounded by a wide white or chrome trim. He then changes his mind and makes the entire white trim glow as a DRL that can also blink amber as turn signals. “We can hide projector lights in there” said one designer, who immediately got a scowl from Jason as if he’d just put ham and cheese on toasted Challah bread (which tastes great, by the way). “Are you fucking kidding me, son? SEALED BEAMS!” screamed Torch as he drew four circles onto the grille space.


Main View 1 16

Side marker lights — a JT pet peeve — were added next, as well as “real” door handles you yank to open. Black LLV Mail Truck-like bumpers are drawn on the front and back, with black rocker panels connecting them; the protruding wheels on the toy are pushed in flush and surrounded by angular Cybertruck-style wheel arches (though Jason prefers to call them “Jeep SJ inspired”). Resigned to their fate, the designers start to flesh out Torch’s concept:

Main View Notes 1 16

Actually, you can see that they are starting to have some fun. A few designers wanted to add silver paint and make a mock Cybertruck, but others went in a different direction. Despite his desire for a basic truck, Jason particularly likes the two-tone paint combinations that were so popular on pickups in period. Wheels with body-colored inserts and chrome caps just get Mr. Torchinsky all hot and bothered. The designers are partying like it’s 1979. I’m surprised there’s no roll bar with KC Highlights on it; this thing looks like it came off of the set of No Country For Old Men. 

Someone adds a big logo that says “Big Timber”, bringing up visions of an owner sporting a thick mustache, flannel shirt and puffer vest with Mork From Ork rainbow stripes on the front. It doesn’t matter that the only timber on Jasonia are palm trees; Torch loves the name, and he loves the look. Here’s an animation of the transition for kid’s toy to adult plaything:


Big Timber Animation

The toy has really slick looking taillights worked into the tops of the rear fenders.

Longhorn 6 1 11

The “Big Timer” does the same thing. Note how the taillights blend into the side markers: a Jason demand so that they just need one bulb (“an 1157, dammit!”). There’s a sliding rear window with an optional screen to stop all of the leaves and other debris in the bed from being sucked into the cabin.

Epson Mfp Image


As with old school trucks, we’ll offer a longer wheelbase model and one with an extended cab. However, no four door trucks here; back in the day a “crew cab” was reserved for ferrying railroad employees.

Laytous 1 12

The sun was starting to get low, but Dear Leader Torch refused to leave until an interior was roughed out. A simple exterior, in Jason’s opinion, needs to be matched by an equally uncomplicated inside. Should it have digital screens? Maybe all analog instruments? Which one? “Anything” quips Jason.

The solution begins with the inspiration image of a very late sixties clean shape:

Screenshot (2517)
source: Karbuds

What we’ll do is a rectangle surrounded by a padded frame. The whole surface is a grid where any kind of switch or instrument could be installed. LCD screens for the driver and center dash? Sure- the example shown even has a retro looking display of analog gauges in front of the steering wheel. Plenty of squares for switches like hazards, rear defogger, or other options. Yes, there’s a column shift for the transmission.


Dashboard Timber 1 12

An add-on pod below the dash can be a “cell phone garage” to charge your device or to hold even more switches for accessories. Giant knobs for the climate control in the center of the dash are matched by a headlight knob on the other side of the steering column- easily operated by big, dirty gloves. Even the power window switches are big Fisher-Price-toy-looking buttons.

So lavish; even air conditioning in that picture above! Jason digs it but has a look on his face that says he wants more austerity. We can give it to him:

Dashboard Jason 1 15

Modularity, baby! Crank windows, and forget the face level vents. A hazard flasher button is the only remaining “accessory” with a switch. The screens are replaced by Stewart Warner analog units, and even an old school AM radio. Now we’ve got the truck worthy of a FARM USE license plate.


Nobody Will Write A Country Song About A Cybertruck

Torch is extremely happy with the finished JAM Big Timber. As the sun starts to set into the ocean in the distance over Borgward Beach, the idea of a “pure truck” was becoming far more appealing to the design team then they first thought.

Also, it’s obvious that many Cybertruck owners are trying to customize their own rides, so why not make a vehicle where the whole point is for the owners to add their own twist to it? Let’s face it: true austerity is a bit much to take for most people. Many examples of exposed-concrete Brutalist architecture have met the bulldozer and dynamite in recent years, to the of dismay of nobody.

Can toys that were inspired by real, functional objects turn around and inspire a new full scale functional object? Well, consumer trucks are often seen as “big toys” so it seems only natural to make a toy truck real. Oscar Wilde might have been right, even though he’d never seen a 1975 F-150.


Our Daydreaming Designer Came Up With The Ultimate Autopian Car And It Is Full Of Terrible Ideas – The Autopian


Our Daydreaming Designer Imagines If A Favorite Tonka Toy Came To Life – The Autopian

What If Ford Had Some Really Strange Pickups Back In The Early Eighties? – The Autopian

A Ford Maverick Could Be The Affordable, Practical Convertible The Market Is Missing – The Autopian


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Twobox Designgineer
Twobox Designgineer
25 days ago

I love it.

One thing to add on the D-Luxe edition that has a/c, or even the base without a/c: must have a Krotch Kooler vent under the steering column.

27 days ago

Modularity wish list.

Wire the car with Cat5 5 like Tesla so parts are easy to swap out
Exposed nuts on all wear prone surfaces or objects likely to become outdated.

Door cards/arm rests
Radio, HVAC Controls, Tach/Speedo/Info,
Make error codes return human readable and first step for diagnosis
USB C ports

Bed Rails made out of the bumper material to toss stuff in without fear of scratches
Tailgate protection (back panel typically gets thrashed, would be nice to be able to remove it with a few bolts and put in a new piece of plastic)

Make the truck plans available via CAD, and let people hack parts all together to their hearts content.

Publish the code for all interior software to github so people could make themes/skins for their cars.

EG when x song comes on change the interior lighting theme. Or when speed exceeds # MPH send a text to your mother apologizing for stupid decisions

27 days ago

I’m gonna need a VOP (vehicle occupant package) that is to scale and fits 95% SAE Oscars before I believe anything.

27 days ago

Um, column shift gear selector? Gotta be 4-on-the-floor with OD.

27 days ago

I love it but would prefer less black and more chrome. Also, nice rounded wheel arches over angular. Man, that old GM truck looks mighty purty’!

Dennis Birtcher
Dennis Birtcher
27 days ago

A handsome, practical pickup in 2025. The legends were true.

Glory to Jasonia.

27 days ago

Can we get a WOOT WOOT for LONG BED!!!!!!!

Kevin Rhodes
Kevin Rhodes
27 days ago

Please get this built as a real truck. Without the EV nonsense, make mine a nice tough inline six. With a stickshift And PLEASE for the love of Dog, keep the thing low to the ground.

Yesterday, I had need of moving a stacking washer and dryer set from my place to temporary storage at a friend’s place. So being an idiot, I borrowed my neighbors shiny new Silverado. Thankfully, the motor did not grenade while I borrowed it. It’s a VERY fancy high-spec truck, but NOT an off-road trim. And the @#$@#$% bed is so high of the ground that the end of the (power) tailgate was basically at the level of my naval, and I am a TALL dude. Do the engineers of these fucking things ever actually USE them as trucks? It was all three of us could do to lift that 200lb+ washing machine in the bed. In the end, we had to get it up there on it’s side, and I hope we didn’t damage it internally. In hindsight, I should have just used my Mercedes wagon. On it’s side, it would have slid right in, no problem.

Today, I spent over $500 on a trailer hitch, Euro receiver and ball, and wiring harness for my BMW convertible so I can just rent a damned trailer that is a foot off the ground when I need to haul stuff around. Modern pickups are just *stupid*, and not fit for purpose. Would have preferred the Mercedes, but a hitch and wiring harness for that is $1200, and I won’t need it enough to justify the added capability.


Freddy Bartholomew
Freddy Bartholomew
27 days ago
Reply to  Kevin Rhodes

I don’t find this to be a rant. Well, maybe the language is rant-like, but the logic is impeccable.

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