Home » Watch Thieves In A Stolen Audi Brazenly Drive Through A Toronto-Area Shopping Mall

Watch Thieves In A Stolen Audi Brazenly Drive Through A Toronto-Area Shopping Mall

Audi Crash Mall Topshot

It’s a long-running joke that the Greater Toronto Area shares its initials with Grand Theft Auto, but it’s relatively rare that car crime in the area caught on tape resembles something from a videogame. However, that doesn’t mean that audacious activities don’t happen. Last night, the driver of a stolen Audi did a Blues Brothers-esque ram-raid through a mall, except with far less destruction, and it was all captured on security footage.

Vidframe Min Top
Vidframe Min Bottom

According to police, the incident took place at Vaughan Mills, just a few minutes north of Toronto. It’s the sort of sprawling suburban shopping center where you can find everything from Hot Topic to Kate Spade. A place for placating teenage boredom with meandering of the mind as you pick through the flashy bits of consumer culture. I’m not innocent, I bought a set of alien-themed swim trunks there once.

Enough about the venue, what about the car? Well, it’s reportedly a 2011 Audi A4, although the silver mirror caps and “peeler” wheels suggest that it might actually be an S4. Either way, it happened to have the Quebec license plate X10 SNP, and it was unsurprisingly reported stolen prior to this footage being recorded. I’ve seen some questionable driving from Quebec-plated cars, but this has to take the cake.

Audi Crash Mall 2


The thieves managed to squeeze the Audi through the bollards in front of entrance six just before gently ramming through the sliding doors at a fairly low speed and immediately almost wiping out into Uniqlo. Are they just inept or did they have something against nice shirts at reasonable prices? Probably just inept, but you never know. From there, the thieves squeeze past some kiosks before making a right turn into the main corridor. A bit more driving happens next, with the thieves finally exiting through another sliding door.

Of course, people don’t just steal a car and drive through the doors of a shopping center for shits and giggles, that’s high-risk with low-reward. Sure, you get to say that you drove a car indoors, but you can be slapped with charges from breaking and entering to dangerous driving. York Regional Police reports that the crims made off with some electronics, like they’re trying to emulate Dominic Toretto stealing combination TV VCRs.

Audi Crash Mall 1

Even the police seem flabbergasted by this particularly unusual case of car crime. Local news outlet CP24 reports that York Regional Police Sgt. Clint Whitney told reporters, “It did look like they were going shopping in that vehicle. It is very, very audacious. I don’t know what was going through their minds.”

It should go without saying, don’t ram-raid a shopping center. Even as far as criminal activity goes, this is particularly stupid. While ram raids don’t feel as common as they used to be, there are always exceptions. Remarkably, the thieves remain at large at the time of writing, but I reckon it’s only a matter of time before they’re caught.


(Photo credits: York Regional Police)

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Not Onyourlife
Not Onyourlife
1 year ago

All I could hear was “I can’t turn you loose” during that video

Myk El
Myk El
1 year ago

There’s a car theft job in Saints Row 2 (I believe) where the desired car can be found on display in the mall, meaning you have to drive it out. One of my favorites. I know a boss fight also ends in the mall.

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
1 year ago

For those that don’t know, this is Vaughan Ontario. All the handicap and mummy spaces were taken and they weren’t fucking walking that far.

1 year ago

I always wondered what people meant referring to vehicles as “Mall Crawlers”.
You learn something everyday on the Autopian.

Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
1 year ago

Typical Canadiens. Despite stealing the car crashing into the front doors they do seem to be trying to avoid doing damage. As for the slick for excuse? What Canucks dont know how to drive on snow and ice?

1 year ago

It checks out, you need a car to do just about anything in York Region.

Also, maybe they remember when Vaughan Mills had cars as installations in the food court, and figured a few extra cars were okay.


Iain Delaney
Iain Delaney
1 year ago

I’ve seen some questionable driving from Quebec-plated cars, but this has to take the cake.
Oh! Burn! Completely deserved, but still …

Craig Ford
Craig Ford
1 year ago

Charges!? In Canada? Lol ok.
Throw whatever book you want at them they’ll be back on the street with suspended sentence or probation in 15 minutes

Nathan Williams
Nathan Williams
1 year ago

I thought someone was going to link to the Russians in the airport.

Decided to put the Ozzy man reviews one for added humour

1 year ago

All I want to know is, did DT get the joke in the lede picture?

Mark Tucker
Mark Tucker
1 year ago
Reply to  Shop-Teacher

He was assigned the film in question as homework several months ago when I first stumped him with references to it. Whether or not he completed the assignment is unknown.

My 0.02 Cents
My 0.02 Cents
1 year ago

I’m impressed they didn’t get lost in there, I can never find the store I want at large malls, unless I walk around it twice, then I can’t remember which entrance I used, or find where I parked the car…

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IRegertNothing, Esq.
IRegertNothing, Esq.
1 year ago

Looter, or elderly driver who got lost looking for Country Kitchen Buffet?

1 year ago

Is this the parking lot?

Leon Muks
Leon Muks
1 year ago

It needs a Bob Varsha voiceover.

A. Barth
A. Barth
1 year ago

Overheard at the scene:

*crash* “Soary, eh!”

*bash* “Soary, eh!”

*smash* “Soary, eh!”

Arch Duke Maxyenko
Arch Duke Maxyenko
1 year ago

The spirit of Rob Ford still lives on in Toronto, I see.

Andy Individual
Andy Individual
1 year ago

No. They didn’t stop for a drink and a photo opp.

Double Wide Harvey Park
Double Wide Harvey Park
1 year ago

Rob Audi

Mr. Asa
Mr. Asa
1 year ago

Regarding the almost wipe-out. The floors in malls are nice and slippery, and typically waxed nicely. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it was closer to driving on a soaking wet road than anything else

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Asa

They had to lay down special mats for traction to film that Blues Brothers scene (and, also, because the owners of Dixie Square wanted to protect the tile, in hopes of actually renting the mall again, unaware that the filming would be the last revenue generating activity that would ever happen there)

Sid Bridge
Sid Bridge
1 year ago

Solid case for traffic cameras in malls.

1 year ago
1 year ago

Silly thieves! That’s an Audi not an Inni.

Todd Beauchamp
Todd Beauchamp
1 year ago
Reply to  10001010

Take your thumbs up you magnificent bastard !!!

Thomas Metcalf
Thomas Metcalf
1 year ago
Reply to  10001010

That was terrible. Good job.

Chris Stevenson
Chris Stevenson
1 year ago

C’mon, you gotta post the scene! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIdGxR-aU6o

Jack Beckman
Jack Beckman
1 year ago

“The new Oldsmobiles are in early this year.”
“This mall has EVERYTHING.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack Beckman

“Disco pants and haircuts.”

Michael Beranek
Michael Beranek
1 year ago
Reply to  Shop-Teacher

They broke my watch!

1 year ago

“Brazenly” is a great word

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